Organisational psychology in complex problem solving requiring our interaction


The five pluses that you always get when working with me:



“We engaged Louise for an on-site management programme that she customised to the needs and requests of the management group. Louise is very direct and communicates in a fashion so that everyone understands and no one is lost. She is able to challenge opinions (and provoke reactions) to get to the bottom of things quickly and avoid delays. She is inventive and uses a blend of learning methods. She is always well prepared, and the programme gave us many Aha! moments and strengthened the collaboration with management. Highly recommended by me.”

— Nicklas Kany, Chief Executive Officer, MentorDanmark

“At Moment, we have had the pleasure of working closely with Louise for more than six years in several matters revolving around management.

With Louise, we have co-organised several workshops and continual one-on-one coaching sessions that focus on the leadership role. In individual leadership coaching sessions for both new leaders and experienced leaders, Louise is capable of creating an entirely safe environment to unpick down dilemmas and challenges. She challenges you to reflect on possibilities and your own role in the various situations, which means you are constantly developing yourself.

There is no denying that our new leaders have derived great benefit from being coached by Louise from the start.”

— Sara Vinding, Commercial Director, Moment

“Louise is incredibly talented and very quick to understand what we want as a client. She knows exactly how much time is needed for each item on the agenda and offers important input and suggestions to complement our own ideas and thoughts. Louise handles many types of tasks with ease and can operate at many levels of the organisation, whether it is a strategic, development or coaching task related to individual counselling. “If you engage Louise to facilitate, say, a one-day seminar or a strategy seminar, you are guaranteed a thorough preparation process and a clear purpose. The event will be kept on track and on schedule, and the content will be varied. And most importantly, everyone can expect to derive the benefit that was planned and defined for the purpose.”

— Lone Mortensen, Chief Operating Officer, Danmarks Nationalbank

I look forward to hearing from you