Individual coaching and counselling


At some point in our working lives, most of us will become unsure of how to tackle a situation or which path to take. Changes in the workplace such as a new organisation, management or colleagues can set off a chain of reflections, but also changes in your personal life like plans to have a baby or children leaving home can make you reconsider what the next move in your working life should be.

We will take a pragmatic and experimental approach, and we will usually define a small task together for you to solve before the next session. Individual sessions always focus on what you are concerned with right now in relation to your workplace.


Typical themes
for employees

  • How can I settle down or find motivation in my new tasks and colleagues?

  • Exploring reactions you have had in previous cooperative relations and didn’t understand.

  • Specific challenges in relation to projects, cases or collaboration partners.

  • Doubts about your own motivation and direction of your future career.

  • Specific areas that you want to develop.

  • Development of stress-reducing strategies for your work.

  • How to become more assertive in your workplace.


Typical themes
for leaders

  • A desire to develop special areas of your leadership role or pay more attention to how your management style affects different employees.

  • Your and other people's role in organisational change.

  • Specific challenges with employees or peers in the management team.

  • How to fulfil your dreams of becoming a great leader of the team you are working with right now.

I look forward to hearing from you